Ottoman Empire

suomi-englanti sanakirja

Ottoman Empire englannista suomeksi

  1. Ottomaanien imperiumi, Osmanien valtakunta

  1. Osmanien valtakunta, Ottomaanien valtakunta

Ottoman Empire englanniksi

  1. A large Turkish empire which began as a Turkish sultanate centered in modern Turkey; founded in the late 13th century, it lasted until the end of War I.

  2. (quote-text)

  3. 1997, Suraıya Faroqhı, Bruce McGowan, Donald Quataert, Şevket Pamuk, with Halil İnalcık as editor, ''An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire: Volume Two, 1600-1914'', page 470:

  4. It does not seem very convincing to view a major world empire, with the most modern arms at its disposal, as merely the helpless victim of circumstances beyond its control. Even less attractive are "stage theories," which assume that at a given point in time the Ottoman Empire, its economy included, passed from the stage of "florescence" into that of "decay."